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when you are ready to do business with a Chinese supplier, remember to ask the supplier to send you the above documents. If it can pass, at least it indicates that the company is a mainland Chinese company that legally registers foreign trade licenses, and your trade is protected by...

Yide Toys & Gifts Wholesale Centre Yide Toys&Gifts Wholesale centre is the first and largest gifts&toys wholesale centre. Apart from the hundreds of local traditional small roadside Paver, currently has 12 large-scale development of a wholesale shopping mall. The representative malls are: Yide International toy&stationery collectables Plaza  Address: No.390 Yide Road ...

Even though China is a cheap option with great savings to be had, you still need to consider the feasiblility of the project you wish to undertake. Things to consider: Project Schedule Do you know what you want? Will you save money Importing from China? How many do you want? Project Schedule Not all manufactories will have...

Like any unknown area that you move into in your life, when you are first dealing with China, it can appear quite daunting. Just as you use an accountant to do your tax, a bookkeeper to do your books, and a lawyer to do law-related business, you can also use...

Before importing from China, it is crucial that you do your homework and prepare detailed specifications for your supplier. Quality products start with your specifications. The more specifications you provide a potential supplier, the greater the chance you'll receive an accurate: 1. Quote 2. Product produced to your standard Do not assume the supplier knows...

There are many variables involved, so use the following as a guide: Cost of goods - variable. After you have at least six quotes from suppliers, you'll have an idea of a fair market price to pay. Import assistance company - $ variable depending on level of service. Freight - $ variable, depending on volume, port...